Notary Services Request Guide The Netherlands
If you don’t speak Dutch it can be confusing to find the right notary services in the Netherlands.
Here’s a guide to help you find the right notary services for your query.
How to request Dutch Notary Services
You have two options:
(1) Our Personal Service
If you don’t have the time, you’re in a rush or you don’t (want to) understand the Dutch notary system, we can help you personally.
We will assist you find the best notary service at the lowest cost for your particular query.
We will contact a suitable Notary in the Netherlands on your behalf, including any questions you may have.
(we speak both Dutch and English fluently).
We will do all liaisons and negotiations on your behalf. Of course we will keep in close contact with you to make sure everything is dealt with satisfactory.
If required we can visit you and/or visit the notary in question in person.
This is a paid service. We charge an hourly rate + expenses (if applicable).
This rate is excluding the charge for the notary service required.
If you are interested in this personal service, please contact us here >
(2) Do it yourself
The following steps describe how you can request the right notary service, including more information and a free quotation.
Understanding Notary Services in The Netherlands
First of all, you need to understand the most commonly requested notary services in the Netherlands.
On the left the Dutch (Nederlands) version, on the right the English translation.
Find the category your notary request below:
🇳🇱 Dutch (Nederlands) | 🇬🇧 English |
Familiezaken (testament, erfenis, huwelijk, scheiding etc) |
Family matters (will, inheritance, marriage, divorce, etc.) |
Huis en Hypotheek (including erfpacht, leveringsakte etc) |
House and Mortgage (including leasehold, deed of delivery etc) |
Bedrijf en Stichting (een bedrijf oprichten zoals een BV of NV, Stichting of Vereniging) |
Company and Foundation (setting up a company such as a BV or NV, Foundation or Association) |
Testament 1 persoon | Will for 1 person |
Testament 2 personen (gelijkluidende-testamenten) | Joint will for 2 persons |
Levenstestament 1 persoon | Living will for 1 person |
Levenstestament 2 personen | Living will for 2 persons |
Verklaring van erfrecht | Certificate of inheritance |
Levenstestamenten + testamenten | Living wills + wills |
Samenlevingscontract | Cohabitation agreement |
Samenlevingscontract + 2 testamenten | Cohabitation agreement + 2 wills |
Geregistreerd partnerschap | Registered partnership |
Geregistreerd partnerschap + 2 testamenten | Registered partnership + 2 wills |
Huwelijkse voorwaarden | Pre-nuptial agreement |
Huwelijkse voorwaarden en + 2 testamenten | Pre-nuptial agreement + 2 wills |
Akte van verdeling | Deed of distribution |
Notariële volmacht | Notarial power of attorney |
Tweetrapstestament | Cascading will |
Schenking | Gift |
Testament wijzigen 1 persoon | Amending will for 1 person |
Testament wijzigen 2 personen | Amending will for 2 persons |
Herroeping testament | Revocation of will |
Legalisatie handtekening | Notarial authentication of signature |
Oprichting BV | Establishment of private limited company |
Statutenwijziging B.V. / N.V. | Articles of association amendment for B.V. / N.V. |
Oprichting stichting | Establishment of foundation |
Aandelenoverdracht | Transfer of shares |
Oprichting vereniging | Establishment of association |
Statutenwijziging stichting / vereniging | Articles of association amendment for foundation / association |
Afstempelen aandelenkapitaal | Stamping down share capital |
Hypotheek & leveringsakte | Mortgage & deed of conveyance |
Losse hypotheekakte | Separate mortgage deed |
Hypotheek & leveringsakte appartement | Mortgage & deed of conveyance for apartment |
Losse leveringsakte | Separate deed of conveyance |
Hypotheek & levering + samenlevingscontract | Mortgage & conveyance + cohabitation agreement |
Akte van verdeling met hypotheek | Deed of distribution with mortgage |
Hypotheek & levering + koopovereenkomst | Mortgage & conveyance + purchase agreement |
Royementsakte | Discharge deed |
Hypotheek & levering + samenleving + testamenten | Mortgage & conveyance + cohabitation + wills |
Oversluiten hypotheek | Remortgaging |
Heruitgifte erfpacht/ afkoop erfpacht | Reissuance of leasehold/ redemption of leasehold |
Heruitgifte erfpacht/ afkoop erfpacht + hypotheek | Reissuance of leasehold/ redemption of leasehold + mortgage |
Now that you have an understanding of the notary services, you can use the guide below to request more information and a quote for the notary service in the Netherlands you require:
Step 1:
Please note:
Requesting more information and a quotation is free of charge and without any obligation.
(if you don’t live in the Netherlands, insert either your last known postal code, your future postal code or if you don’t know, just input 1111AA)